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Tools for digital exams

On this page, you will find digital tools used in some courses at Lund University for which the university does not have general guides. In cases where there are open guides from the courses that use these tools, we provide links to them. DigiExamWith the help of DigiExam, you can use your own computer to write an exam entirely digitally. At Lund University, it’s primarily programmes at the Facult - 2025-02-21


Ouriginal, or Urkund as it was called before, is a text comparison system that compares your text with other sources to discover identical sections. The purpose of Ouriginal is first and foremost for teachers to be able to check if you are guilty of plagiarism, that is if you have copied another text without citing or if you’re too close to your sources linguistically when you’re referencing. Ouri - 2025-02-21


TimeEdit is a scheduling tool that is used almost everywhere at Lund University. As a student, you might have encountered the tool when looking for the right time or room for a teaching session in your programme. In some courses, TimeEdit is integrated on the course page in Canvas and in this case you might not even know that you’re using the tool, since you’re seeing the schedule directly in Canv - 2025-02-21

404 – Page not found

Unfortunately, we can't find the page you are looking for. This could be because we moved or deleted it. Sorry about that! You can try finding the page from our homepage Studying in a digital world.Please let us know if you ended up here because you followed a link that no longer works, so we can fix the problem. Tell us which link you followed and where from in an email to maria [dot] esaiasson [ - 2025-02-21

The myth of learning styles and the point of studying in different ways

Have you ever been asked what your learning style is? You might have been encouraged to think about whether you learn best by listening or reading – or whether you have a primarily visual, auditive or kinesthetic learning style. The idea is that you learn best if you adapt your study technique to your learning style. However, the fact is there is no evidence for that it works; rather, the opposite - 2025-02-21

Four things to keep in mind before asking AI for help

AI tools can help or hinder you in your studies, depending on how you use them. If you want to explore the possibilities of generative AI, we have listed four key points that you should be aware of first. There is currently a lot of talk about generative AI tools (GAI), such as ChatGPT, in relation to both studies and the work field. In the context of the landscape of universities, many people con - 2025-02-21


In Ladok, you can view the courses you are registered for, sign up for exams, check your exam results, and deregister from a course you no longer wish to attend. You can also generate certificates of your results and apply for graduation when the time comes. Below, we’ve listed some important things to keep track of in Ladok. Update your email addressTo avoid missing important information from the - 2025-02-21

Digital exams – how to prepare

Digital exams can be taken either in an exam room on campus or entirely remotely. Regardless of the setting, it's crucial to know well in advance how you are expected to prepare so that technology doesn't cause any unnecessary stress. Below, we’ve listed some questions that are important to consider before an exam. Do you need to bring your own computer?Some programmes have computer rooms specific - 2025-02-21

Student support in Zoom

You can get support in three ways: enter an open Zoom room for direct support, email your question to or book a meeting in Teams. The Zoom room is open from 10:00 to 12:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and from 13:00 to 15:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.Support Zoom Room – lu-se.zoom.usYou are welcome to the Zoom room even if you have not yet started your studies at Lund Uni - 2025-02-21

About us

This website is operated by the Unit for Educational Services at Lund University. Our mission includes supporting students in the digital work environment at the university. The Unit for Educational Services is part of Lund University's central administration, which means that we do not belong to any specific program or subject, but rather serve all students and staff equally.The primary contribut - 2025-02-21

Furnishing your digital office

We feel better if we thrive in our surroundings, and we work better when our work environment is adapted to our needs. It is easy to overlook the fact that this also applies to our digital work environment. The whole of your workplace needs to be functional, inviting and organised – for your sake. Here are a few tips on interior design for your computer, so that you don’t lose things deep in an un - 2025-02-21

Help us improve web content for students

Are you a student at Lund University? Do you find the text on the university’s website complex or hard to navigate? Or do you struggle to find the information you’re looking for? If so, we’re looking for your input! We want the university’s content to be easy to find, understand, and use — for all students. This autumn term, 2024, we’re launching the Plain language project: Accessible digital text - 2025-02-21

Reading by listening as a study technique – find the right method for you

In recent years, reading by listening has become a widespread practice in higher education. Reading by listening involves listening to course literature read out by either a human or a speech synthesiser. The availability of study materials in a variety of formats is a welcome development, but you may need to experiment with your listening to find the right study technique. Increasing numbers of s - 2025-02-21

Academic support

Do you have questions concerning your digital study environment that this website doesn’t answer? Or you want to ask a question in a personal meeting or in an email? Below, a variety of institutions at Lund University are listed that can help you with everything from printing a document to mental well-being in relation to your studies. Continue reading for information about what they do and how yo - 2025-02-21

PhD Programme in Fine Arts

KOKOFK01, 240 credits Malmö Art Academy offers a four-year doctoral programme for professional artists and curators leading to a PhD in Fine Art. The programme is the first of its kind in Sweden and the country's first doctors in Fine Art - Matts Leiderstam, Sopowan Boonnimitra and Miya Yoshida, graduated from the Malmö Art Academy, Lund University, in 2006. Since then, a number of renowned artist - 2025-02-21


Malmö Art Academy has several exchange agreements with art academies abroad and strongly encourage you to study abroad during a period of your education to gain new experiences and perspectives. The agreements guarantee that the tuition is free of charge and entitles you to study grants. The studies can be credited in your degree, provided that the exchange has been approved. Our contractual partn - 2025-02-21

Contact us

 Teachers and staff AdministrationPhone: +46 (0)40 32 57 01e-mail: khm [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se (khm[at]khm[dot]lu[dot]se)Questions regarding applications: ansokan [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: Application) (ansokan[at]khm[dot]lu[dot]se)The office is open Mon-Fri 09.00-10.30 and 15.00-16.30Visiting/Delivery addressesMazetti, Bergsgatan 29, S-214 22 Malmö (office)Dimman, Bergsgatan 20, S-2 - 2025-02-21

Annual exhibition

Årsutställning / Annual exhibition - Konsthögskolan i Malmö / Malmö Art Academy. Föreningsgatan 42. 12-21 maj/may. Vernissage/opening 11/5 18-20. Det har blivit en tradition i Malmös konstliv att besöka årsutställningen i Konsthögskolans i Malmös vackra lokaler på Föreningsgatan 42.Många konstintresserade följer enskilda studenters utveckling genom åren, andra kommer för att få en känsla av vad un - 2025-02-21

Equality board

Our Equality Board consists of representatives from students, teachers, technical staff and the rector. The group aims to strengthen and develop equality, fairness and inclusion at the school. Equality Board Members of the board meet two-three times per semester and strive to strengthen the discussion around matters such as equality, equity, and inclusion at Malmö Art Academy (e.g the preventive w - 2025-02-21

Bachelor's programme in Fine Arts (BFA), 180 Credits

KGFKO, 180 Credits Work from the BFA exhibition 2024 The three-year Bachelor’s programme consists of individual work in the studio and individual tutoring from professors and other teachers, as well as scheduled courses in major areas of artistic techniques, artistic interpretation, and art theory. Malmö Art Academy’s internationally active professors work in a range of artistic fields. This leads - 2025-02-21